There is a brand new subforum on the PC Perspective Forums, added today specifically for a huge new contest.  The ASUS Xtreme Design Contest forum under General Tech is the place to go to show off how you would use ASUS’ new Xtreme Design Technology to build the best killer gaming PC.  If your ideas are grand enough, you will be one of 20 people chosen to receive the hardware specified in the contest, an ASUS P7P55D PREMIUM, a GTX 260, a Samsung SSD and all the other components listed in the contest; feel free to toss in your own in addition.  Then of those 5 will be chosen for ‘ special hardware upgrades’ and one lucky winner will be shipped off to CES to show off the rig they built at the ASUS booth.  Get over and start posting your ideas!

The other big happening on the Forums involves Microsoft’s new OS.  Everyone is playing with it or wondering what it can do.  The gamers wonder what effect it will have on their gaming experiences and the gaming industry, whereas the Windows OS Forum is looking at performance, the differences between upgrading and clean installs as well as hunting down driver issues that have yet to be finished. 

In other parts of PC Perspective you can find brand new updates to the Hardware Leaderboard and we have a fresh Podcast for you to listen to.