Operators are standing by…
Of course Apple is not a primary manufacturer of LCD panels; like everyone else, they buy their panels from someone like LG. Due to how much Apple loves IPS technology, which I cannot blame them for, they in fact do purchase their displays from LG.
If you have an itchy soldering iron, so can you.
According to EmertHacks, the LG part number for retina iPad screens is LP097QX1-SPA1. The blog post states that he could find the panel for as cheap as $55, but my own digging game up with costs between $60 and $200 plus shipping. These panels are mostly destined to iPad repair shops, but you can give it a better home.
With under $20 of other parts, this panel could be attached to a DisplayPort connection. All said and done, you could have a 2048×1536 9.7" display with an 800:1 static contrast ratio for about $70.
wow nice find. let’s hope
wow nice find. let’s hope apple doesn’t put pressure on the manufacturer to only sell to them. You know how territorial they get.
Mr. Ryan, you should connect one to your Raspberry Pi!
I don’t think the Raspberry
I don’t think the Raspberry Pi can output higher than 1920*1080, but you could hook up 6 of these in Eyefinity! Slim bezzels, and the highest resolution 30″-ish panel you’ve ever seen!
you know what i would do, get
you know what i would do, get a back pack with a battery pack/web cam/rasberry pi, then put the screen on the outside of the bag facing people, in downtown San Francisco.