Comments on: PCPer Mailbag #60 – You Touched My Silicone Sensitive Areas A Leader in PC Hardware Reviews and News Mon, 25 Mar 2019 15:22:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: wildheart812 Wed, 05 Dec 2018 16:44:23 +0000 I was wondering who owns the
I was wondering who owns the site now? It seems like it is Jim, allyn, and Ken that are running things and leaves out Jeremy and Josh and the others who contribute to the site like Sebastian. I am glad that they site will continue but I am curious about the business site of things. Also when will you post a video of the office there? It was promised a long time ago, and still nothing.

Hope you respond on the mail bag.

By: Steve from New Jersey Wed, 28 Nov 2018 03:24:35 +0000 For a noticeable 1080p/60
For a noticeable 1080p/60 gaming boost in FPS and quality, is it worth upgrading from an i3-6100 (3.7ghz 2-core/4-thread) to a quad core CPU like an 15-7600? I get some drops to 30fps and lower in games like GTA V or Hitman 2 at medium.

I can still find several 7th gen 1151 CPUs available to buy that are compatible with my Z-170 motherboard.

Is going to 4 actual cores going to make a difference I can tell? I also use my PC as a media center style player for local and streamed content on my 1080p/60 LCD TV.

Thanks in advance!

More info:

I found the following available from some retailers. I am leaning towards the i5-7600 since It seems the best bang for the buck for this older system.

– i5-7600 retail 3.5/4.1 4-core/4 thread $229-239 (B&H-NewEgg)
– i5-7600k retail 3.8/4.2 4-core/4 thread $285 (Amazon-AntOnline/NewEgg) (plus cooler cost)
– i7-7700 retail 3.6/4.2 4-core/8-thread $309 (NewEgg-Amazon)
– i7-7700k retail 4.2/4.5 4-core/8-thread $355 (B&H-Amazon) (plus cooler)

I had considered going to a Ryzen 5 2600 but that would also require getting a motherboard and an OEM Win 10 licence. And Ryzen 5 2600 cpus seem to be backordered on most sites.

My current system runs Windows 7 Pro (i’m 10 ready) and has an i3-6100 w/ stock cooler, Gigabyte Z-170-HD3P, 16gb DDR4-2600, 480gb Sata SSD, GTX1060 6gb.

By: Rick Rodriguez Wed, 14 Nov 2018 23:59:36 +0000 In your professional opinion
In your professional opinion will the new mutligigabit (2.5gbps and 5gbps) become popular or will 10Gbps just because the defacto standard and skip the lower speeds? I need moar NAS speed!

By: Bullseye2267 Tue, 13 Nov 2018 20:21:59 +0000 Question…
I experimented

I experimented with a software RAID in Windows 10 but my write speeds plummeted after a few seconds on large file transfers ie. movie rips. I’m guessing the cache gets filled up. I gave up trying to fix it & went back to a hardware RAID. Was there something I missed? My thought was no matter if I had to replace a motherboard (on board RAID controller) or a descrete RAID controller card, Windows 10 will always recognize the software raid.
