“Japanese firm Ricoh believes it will be able to release a 200GB optical drive by 2008, according to today’s Nihon Keizai Shimbun. The technology will use eight layers rather than the two promised by Sony’s Blu-ray and Toshiba’s HD tech.”Here are some more Storage reviews from around the web:
- Guide to PC Backup Options @ PC Mechanic
- Seagate 500GB Barracuda 7200.9 Hard Drive @ Adrian’s Rojak Pot
- Seagate 5GB Pocket Hard Drive Review Rev. 2.0 @ Adrian’s Rojak Pot
A DVD that will be hard to fill

Imagine being able to do a 1:1 backup of your main computer onto one DVD. The Inquirer has found that Ricoh is developing a 200GB disk, which won’t be ready for a few years, but will certainly make backing things up much easier.