“Apple unveiled the iPhone 3.0 software just now in Cupertino. Here’s MacWorld’s live -action blow-by-blow coverage. The announcement included new features for developers and users. For developers, the big items were in-app purchasing (for example for game upgrades, map content, and subscriptions) for paid apps only; peer-to-peer connectivity via Bluetooth; giving apps access to hardware via the dock connector or Bluetooth; maps embeddable in apps; and push notifications. For users, there’s finally cut-copy-paste available in all apps; search across everything in the iPhone; landscape keyboard; MMS messaging; and voice memos. Developer beta starts today and 3.0 will be available in the summer — free for all 3G phones, $10 for iPod Touch.”Here is some more Tech News from around the web:
- How-to: building services into iPhone applications @ Ars Technica
- IBM looks directly at Sun @ The Inquirer
- What the OLPC project is screwing up and how to not be the next Newton @ TechwareLabs
- ntennas Direct ClearStream4 Long Range HDTV Antenna Review @ ModSynergy
- Interview with – James Hildebrandt – Psyko Audio @ Driverheaven
The third coming
In the beginning was the iPhone, but it’s connectivity was not good. Then the iPhone 3G arrived and there was joy … for a while. Now the shine has worn off, the screen is a little scratched and the people are crying for more. Ready yourself for the next incarnation, the iPhone is getting a new OS and both programmers and users are excited about the new features and abilities. See what the buzz is about at Slashdot.