What do you do when you leave work?

Last summer, Sean (Day[9]) Plott hosted a Starcraft 2 tournament for those who may not be professional gamers — but who are professionals. Employees of Amazon, Dropbox, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Twitter, Yelp, and Zynga fought for Starcraft supremacy. In the playoff finals, Microsoft bested Zynga both in tagline (“Macro hard, Microsoft” vs. “glhf play farmville on facebook”) as well as the evermore important win count. For their success, Microsoft received $5000.01 of Sean Plott’s money to be donated to Amnesty International, their charity of choice. This week, Day[9] announced season 2 of the AHGL where about 30 teams will compete in two separate ladders: one for Starcraft 2, and the other for League of Legends.

Huh, if they drop it… will it bounce?

The teams for each game were announced with Starcraft 2 having a much larger turnout with 29 teams.

Adobe Amazon AMD Digital Extremes
Dropbox EA Epic Ernst & Young
Facebook FactSet Geek Squad Google
IBM Intel Legend3D LinkedIn
Microsoft Mozilla NVIDIA Palantir
Pipeworks Qualcomm RapidShare Shopify
TwitchTV Twitter Western Digital Zappos


League of Legends is much more modest with just 11 teams competing.

Amazon EA  Epic Ernst & Young
FactSet Gearbox Google Intel
Microsoft Promethean World Zappos  


While there tournament itself is exciting, I am slightly more interested in the commentary to be had if fierce rivals such as AMD and NVIDIA, or Intel and Qualcomm manage to face each other. Is it cheating for Amazon to own Zappos? There still does not appear to be any announcements regarding the casters for the events apart from Day[9] himself, although persumably "Husky" will make a return. Check it out at their website.